Nowshera Forest Division conducts mega plantation drive under greening Jammu programme


RAJOURI : Sunderbani Forest Range of Nowshera Forest Division conducted a mega plantation drive in collaboration with 69 BSF BN Sunderbani.

Anand Kumar Sharma, Commandant BSF, R. K. Yadav, second in command along with officers of all ranks and Jawans planted a number of plants in their premises.

Rakesh Verma, Range Officer Sunderbani, Rajinder Dev Sharma, Block Officer, Devak Ravi Kant from Range office played an active role in the plantation drive.

Rakesh Verma Range Officer Sunderbani appraised the officers and jawans of BSF about the objectives of Green J&K drive. He said that institutional plantation plays a vital role in the conservation of green cover. He visited the old plantations raised inside the campus which were well established and maintained. R.K. Yadav, second in command, said that BSF is doing the plantation every year and the success rate of plantation raised inside the campus is quite satisfactory. He thanked the Conservator of Forests West Circle, B.Mohandas and Suresh Manda, Divisional Forest Officer Nowshera for conducting the drive and the active participation of the Forest Department.

The drive was conducted under the overall supervision of B. Mohandas, Conservator of Forests West Circle Rajouri and Suresh Manda, Divisional Forest Officer Nowshera.