NRW Universities Dealing With a Particularly Taboo Subject

RWTH Aachen University and 18 other universities in North Rhine-Westphalia are organizing a multi-regional series of events on dealing with insecurity about your course of study as part of the NEXT CAREER project. The events were commissioned by the NRW Ministry of Culture and Science and funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. From the beginning to the end of May 2023, students can obtain information digitally free of charge on topics such as changing subjects and universities, restarting, alternative career paths and career orientation. The events are designed to be of assistance to students from North Rhine-Westphalia.

Many young people are questioning whether they should be at university or not. At the same time, doubts and thoughts of dropping out are still topics that tend not to be spoken about in society. The four-week statewide online program is aimed at those who have doubts about their studies. In over 20 events, interested parties learn, among other things, what they can do in difficult situations, where they should start, and who they can turn to.