NSSO Enhances Data Accuracy with Scientific Sampling Design and Advanced Technology

Various measures have been taken to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of data collected by the National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) which, inter alia, includes adoption of scientific sampling design, supply of structured instruction sets to the field functionaries for uniformity in concept and definition. Data is being captured through Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) using hand-held devices in the field. The CAPI software has inbuilt validation checks in the survey questionnaire to check intra and inter-block data consistency for ensuring accuracy of collected data. The collected data are being checked concurrently at multiple levels to assess the data consistency at various domains.  It enables faster validation and improved data quality along with the time cycle involved in publishing the survey result. This technological improvement caused a drastic reduction in the time lag of release of survey results. Further, a multi layered training system is adopted for ensuring thorough training of primary field workers, supervisors and all officials associated with a survey. Regular inspection of field work and scrutiny of data are undertaken by supervisory staff for ensuring quality of data.