NTU Students Lead Innovative Scientific and Technological Exchange with Jiangsu, Hong Kong, and Macao

On July 29, 2024, the “Strive Together, Create the Future” Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macao Youth Science and Technology Innovation Camp was held.The event was successfully concluded in the Nanqing Auditorium of Jingwen Student Activity Center. Nearly 60 outstanding campers from Hong Kong and Macao universities such as the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the University of Macau, the City University of Macau, the University of Saint Joseph, Lingnan University and Nanjing University gathered together across geographical boundaries. After 14 days of research and exchange and cooperation discussions, they ignited the spark of scientific innovation in the confrontation of ideas and drew a blueprint for growth in the melting pot of practice.

At noon on July 28, Lu Xiancai, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of Nanjing University, had a cordial exchange with the students of this science and innovation camp at the Jingwen Student Activity Center. President Lu expressed a warm welcome to the young representatives from Hong Kong and Macao who came from afar, and focused on introducing the long historical context and profound cultural heritage of the ancient city of Nanjing to the students from Hong Kong and Macao. Afterwards, President Lu, with his profound knowledge and unique vision, explained in a simple and easy-to-understand way the core position and important value of scientific and technological innovation in contemporary society, and his words revealed his deep hope for young talents to focus on key areas and bravely climb the peak of science and technology. He encouraged the students to make good use of the ties of science and innovation, incubate innovative achievements, forge ahead, stand at the forefront, sweat, practice, and grow into new-era talents with innovative thinking, patriotism, international vision and global competitiveness.

During the meeting, everyone spoke freely and expressed their own opinions. When the topic turned to the impression of enterprises, the students expressed that they were impressed by Junjun Future Startup Company and its founder Cheng Yuhao, and were deeply shocked by the cutting-edge core technology of China Mobile Cloud Energy. President Lu introduced the discussion into a broader context, carefully analyzed the similarities and differences in the enterprise support policies between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, and emphasized that the state’s supervision of financial investment enterprises is constantly being optimized in continuous research, aiming to provide enterprises with more accurate and effective support measures.

At the end of the discussion, President Lu led the students through the corridor of time and space, strolling through the glorious history of Nanjing University Institute of Higher Education and the magnificent picture of China’s higher education, and spoke in depth about Nanjing University’s outstanding contributions and unremitting pursuit in the field of higher education. At the same time, he extended a sincere invitation to the students, welcoming young people from Hong Kong and Macao to display their talents in this land full of opportunities and challenges and overflowing with vitality, seize the opportunities of scientific and technological innovation, enhance cultural identity, and jointly draw a blueprint for development.

This Jiangsu-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Science and Technology Innovation Camp has carried out a series of special activities around national conditions study and practice, scientific and technological frontier discussions, academic and scientific and technological innovation exchanges, visits to key enterprises, and traditional cultural experiences.

The campers visited Jinghai Temple (the place where the Treaty of Nanjing was negotiated), the Memorial Hall of the Victory of Crossing the Yangtze River, John Rabe’s former residence and other educational bases. In the cultural relics exhibitions and historical images, the campers participated in the national conditions education in an immersive way and enhanced their national identity. They went to universities such as the University of Macau, the Macau University of Science and Technology, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In the wonderful lectures given by experts, the campers were further inspired to think innovatively and cultivate innovative thinking. They went to the State Key Laboratory of Lunar and Planetary Sciences, the Hong Kong Science Park, the Productivity Council, the Jiangbei New Area Biomedicine Valley, the China (Suzhou) Mobile Cloud Capability Center and other scientific and technological innovation institutions. During the field visits and investigations, the campers experienced the application of science and technology, and systematically understood the process and development prospects of the incubation and implementation of high-tech scientific and technological innovation results. At the same time, in order to enhance the sense of participation and interactivity of the science and technology innovation camp activities, the campers carried out cultural studies and dialogues organized by young students, which sparked ideas and generated new innovative inspiration and enthusiasm in the warm interactive exchanges.

Young people are an important group and new force to promote continuous exchanges and interactions between Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macao. The young students in the Science and Technology Innovation Camp focused on the forefront of scientific and technological innovation, highlighted problem-oriented and goal-oriented approaches, and delved into the five major topics of science and technology foresight, industry-research integration, science and technology culture, science and technology innovation development, and new quality productivity. Through a wide range of information collection, down-to-earth field visits, regular group discussions and other diversified channels, they bravely stepped into the vast world of scientific research and innovation. Each science and technology innovation group was ingenious, using exhibition boards as a painting scroll to cleverly integrate the research results with graphic creativity; the two science and technology innovation teams also presented a double feast of vision and thinking to the guests who came to the closing ceremony in the form of project exhibition boards and physical displays, which won full recognition and praise. The campers profoundly interpreted the mission and responsibility of the youth in the new era with practical actions, and injected vigorous vitality and strong momentum into the deep integration of scientific and technological innovation and the coordinated advancement of social development in the three places of Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macao.

This science and innovation camp had a full itinerary and a lot of practical information. The places and scenes that impressed the campers the most were also wonderful and different:

Chen Jiahe from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University: My major is computational engineering. The entire itinerary of the Jiangsu-Hong Kong-Macao Science and Technology Innovation Camp included a lot of in-depth explanations of AI, which provided me with new ideas for my future projects.

Liang Xinru from the University of Macau: I was deeply impressed by China Mobile’s exhibition hall. My major is e-commerce technology, and my thesis topic is the correlation of network connections. I learned a lot of knowledge related to my major in the exhibition hall and saw many cases that I had only heard of in class. I benefited a lot.

Wang Ruiqing from Nanjing University: In Hong Kong, we visited Cyberport, Productivity Council and other high-tech industry platforms, and felt Hong Kong’s determination and actions to develop high-tech such as artificial intelligence and biomedicine. Combining my own professional background – biophysics, I realized the broad development prospects of AI for science. When AI goes deep into various vertical fields, such as pharmaceuticals, material design, medical imaging, etc., it will burst out with huge creativity and possibilities.

Xu Nuo from Nanjing University: My major is cultural relics and museology. During our trip to Macau, we visited the Macau Museum of Art and the Macau Museum. Every exhibit in the museum is a witness to history, which not only shows the unique cultural and historical charm of Macau, but also reflects the story of Macau’s thriving growth in the embrace of the motherland. I felt the profoundness of history and the integration of culture, and experienced the prosperity and development of Macau under the “one country, two systems”.

The “Joining Together to Create the Future” Jiangsu-Hong Kong-Macao Youth Science and Technology Camp is one of the series of special activities organized by Nanjing University as the host university of the 19th “Challenge Cup” National College Students’ Extracurricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition. It not only builds a shining stage for young people in the new era to fully display their dreams of science and technology and academic pursuits, but also becomes a bridge connecting the thoughts and exchanges of young people in Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macao. Nanjing University will continue to promote in-depth exchanges between the mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, enhance the understanding of national conditions and national identity of young people in Hong Kong and Macao, actively gather the scientific and technological innovation forces of young people in Jiangsu, Hong Kong and Macao, interpret the era mission of independent innovation and scientific and technological power with practical actions, and contribute youthful wisdom and great power to promote China’s modernization.