On-line Training Resources from Category 2 Centers in Natural Sciences in China

Category 2 Centers under the auspices of UNESCO form an important part of UNESCO’s network and contribute to the execution of UNESCO’s programme through capacity building, the exchange of information, theoretical and experimental research, and advanced training.

In the field of natural sciences, UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office works with some 10 such centers, who provide a valuable and unique contribution to the implementation of UNESCO’s strategic programme objectives for the benefits of Member States, in our cluster and worldwide. These centers operate in the field of hydrology, science policy, engineering, disaster management, geosciences, the basic sciences and remote sensing.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the mobility restrictions and containment measures have drastically curbed access to training and learning opportunities, and the main response is to turn to distance and online learning. In line with its response to COVID-19 strategy, UNESCO Beijing Cluster Office strives to find ways to pool resources and expertise, and channel free technology solutions and digital tools to those who need it. Through the interface below, you will find access to very valuable solutions for distance and online experiences, in various fields of interest for UNESCO – including COVID-19 – offered by the Category 2 Centers in Natural Sciences in China.

All of the training and learning opportunities are free and many cater to English-speakers. They are categorized based on distance learning needs and also offer functionalities across multiple categories.