One Week One Lab Programme of CSIR-NIScPR

Science Communication: Public Engagement with Science

CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) organised the event on “Science Communication: Public Engagement with Science” in New Delhi on 14 September 2023 for its ongoing “One Week One Lab (OWOL) programme”.

Chief Guest Dr. Santosh Choubey, Chancellor, Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal delivering his talk during inaugural session of Science Communication event organized by CSIR-NIScPR as a part of One Week One Lab programme. Other dignitaries on the dais (Right to Left): Shri H.J. Khan, Dr. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director, CSIR-NIScPR; Dr. Tsering Tashi, Deputy Project Director, ISRO and Dr. M.M. Gore, Scientist, CSIR-NIScPR

During the inaugural session, in her welcome address, Dr. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director, CSIR-NIScPR greeted all the eminent guests of the event. Briefing about the events till date as part of “One Week One Lab” campaign, she added that OWOL is a unique platform that enables 37 CSIR laboratories across the country to unveil its legacy, technological breakthroughs, and success stories to a diverse array of stakeholders in our society”. She specially thanked the honourable Minister of Science and Technology & Vice President of CSIR, Dr. Jitendra Singh, and Secretary, DSIR & DG, CSIR Dr. N. Kalaiselvi for their presence in the inaugural session of NIScPR OWOL and constant encouragement for this noble campaign. She emphasised on the importance of the science communication event where public engagement is an important element. This engagement with science is essential from the high-end researchers to the common man, everyone is impacted and included within the science communication ecosystem. Connecting science to the society and connecting science to art is of foremost significance.

Popular science books in Indian languages brought out by CSIR-NIScPR were released in the inaugural session

Shri Hasan Jawaid Khan, Chief Scientist, CSIR-NIScPR provided a brief background of the event. In his remarks, he focused on the science communication and its key challenges. He also spoke about different ways in which science can be communicated to the public such as puppet shows, street plays, etc.

The Guest of Honour, Dr. Tsering Tashi, Deputy Project Director, Navigation Spacecraft, U.R. Rao Satellite Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO), Bengaluru talked about his challenging journey of scientific research in ISRO. He also emphasised on the fact that science popularisation activities can find its target population in the rural areas, as he himself is actively engaged in science-based activities helping thousands of students of Ladakh region through various science communication programs.

The Chief Guest of the event, Dr. Santosh Choubey, Chancellor, Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal said that Science communication can go a long way, where it can even create new entities, institutions, and organisations. “Science communication is not new; it has its roots since ancient times. The tradition of science is as deep and is as rich and it has never disappeared. Science Communication has changed before and after Covid times. Hubs of science communication should be created across the country, he suggested.

During the occasion, a number of books, and magazine released by the dignitaries. Titles are ‘Vigyan Sanchar Ki Anwarat Yatra’ (focused on Indian organisations engaged in spreading science to society), three popular science books in the Indian languages Marathi, Kannada, and Bangla and ‘Navasanchetana’ magazine (July-Sept 2023 Issue). The “e-Hydrogen Digest compendium” based on hydrogen research was also launched.

The inaugural event concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. Manish Mohan Gore, Scientist, CSIR-NIScPR and Coordinator of the Science Communication Event. He put the spotlight on ISRO scientist, Dr. Tsering Tashi, who extensively involved in science communication as well. Such people are rare and more scientists like him are needed for the Nation’s science communication and popularisation activities.

In the next technical session which was chaired by Dr. Santosh Choubey, Chancellor, Rabindranath Tagore University, Bhopal and co-chaired by Dr. Tsering Tashi, Deputy Project Director, Navigation Spacecraft, U.R. Rao Satellite Centre, ISRO, Bengaluru. Experts from reputed organisations of the country participated in the discussion on the theme, “Organisations engaged in spreading science to society.”

Dr. Ashok N. Selwatkar, Assistant Director from Commission for Scientific & Technical Terminology (CSTT), Delhi; Dr. Manish Mohan Gore, Scientist from CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication & Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR), Delhi; Dr. K.K. Mishra, Associate Professor from Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education (HBCSE), TIFR, Mumbai; Dr. Ankita Mishra, Editor, Invention Intelligence and Awishkar from National Research & Development Corporation (NRDC), Delhi; Dr. Rajeev Singh from Vijnana Bharati (VIBHA), Delhi; Dr. O.P. Sharma, General Secretary from Lok Vigyan Parishad (LVP), Delhi; and Shri Dilip Kumar Jha from All India Radio (AIR), Delhi delivered talks in the technical session.

Panellists of the Panel discussion (Left to Right): Dr. Rajni Kant, Dr. Jagdeep Saxena, Shri Kuldeep Dhatwalia, Dr. Sanjay Verma, Shri Devendra Mewari and Shri R.K. Anthwal

The event then moved forward with a panel discussion on the completion of 70 years of “Vigyan Pragati”, a popular science magazine of CSIR-NIScPR. The opening Remarks were given by its Editor, Dr. Manish Mohan Gore. Ms. Shubhada Kapil, Asstt. Editor of Vigyan Pragati spoke on the “Milestones of 70 Years Journey of Vigyan Pragati”. The Chairperson and Co-Chairperson of the event were Shri Devendra Mewari, Renowned Science Writer, Delhi; and Shri. Kuldeep Dathwalia, Project Manager, Science Media Communication Cell (SMCC). Dr. Jagdeep Saxena, Dr. Sanjay Verma, Shri R.K. Anthwal, and Dr. Rajni Kant were the panellists.

Dr. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director, CSIR-NIScPR welcoming the Chief Guest of ‘Vigyan Kavi Sammelan’ Shri Mahendra Kumar Gupta, Joint Secretary (Administration), CSIR
To commemorate Hindi Diwas (September 14), during the event a Vigyan Kavi Sammelan’ was also organised. The Chief Guest of this Kavi Sammelan was Shri Mahendra Kumar Gupta, Joint Secretary, Administration, CSIR HQ. Chairperson was Dr. Madhu Pant, Renowned Science Poetess & Former Director, Rashtriya Bal Bhawan, New Delhi. The following poets participated in the event, Shri Mahesh Verma, Shri Mohan Sagoriya, Dr. Anu Singh, Dr. Ved Mitra Shukla, Shri Yashpal Singh Yash, and Dr. S. Dwivedi. The anchoring was performed by Ms. Radha Gupta. Shri Mahendra Gupta, JS, CSIR appreciated the Vigyan Kavi Sammelan. He said that such kind of science-literature integration will definitely communicate science to society in a right way. Dr. Ranjana Aggarwal, Director, CSIR-NIScPR axpressed her gratitude to all the participating poets for their creative engagement. Dr. Madhu Pant recited her science poem ‘Dharati ki Yahi Pukar’ which was commended by all the audience. Dr. Manish Mohan Gore proposed vote of thanks.



CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) is one of the constituent laboratories of CSIR under the Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. It specializes in the fields of science communication; STI focused evidence-based policy research and studies. It publishes various journals, books, magazines, newsletters, and reports on science and technology. It also conducts research on science communication, science policy, innovation systems, science-society interface, and science diplomacy.

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