Paramedical College Organises Scleral Lens Workshop

Aligarh : The Paramedical College, Faculty of Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University organized a session with hands-on-activities for eye care practitioners and optometry students. The Workshop, entitled ‘Beyond the Limbus: Visual and ocular surface rehabilitation with rigid or scleral lenses’, was conducted by Mr. Gagan Sahni of Silverline Laboratories Pvt. Ltd and his team.

Prof Ibne Ahmad, Principal, Paramedical College, welcomed the team and expressed gratitude towards them.

Prof A.K Amitava, Chairman, Department of Ophthalmology encouraged the students to sharpen their hands on skills, while Prof. Adeeb Alam Khan introduced the trainers.

Mr. Gagan Sahni, Principal Trainer, emphasised on learning the dispensing in the scleral lenses. Addressing the attendees he said “a good fitting of a scleral lens is very important but as a practitioner you should be capable enough to teach the patient how to use the lens, proper dispensing and counselling is crucial”.

The programme was conducted and concluded by Ms Saima Ahsan, a faculty member in the optometry section and the organizing secretary of the workshop. She said that the students were provided information about the future of rigid gas permeable contact lenses in visual rehabilitation.

The attendees of the workshop were given a certificate of participation.