Participation in the preparation of an information and methodological manual

Teachers of the Department of Psychology took part in the preparation of an informational and methodological manual “Preventing Violence in Educational Organizations”.
Teachers of the Department of Psychology Vadim Nikolaevich Kolesnikov, Lidia Ivanovna Teplova and Anita Vladislavovna Rumyantseva took part in the preparation of an information and methodological manual for leaders and teachers of educational organizations “Preventing Violence in Educational Organizations”, which is published by the Karelian Foundation for the Development of Education on the initiative of the Commissioner for Children’s Rights in Republic of Karelia with the grant of the Head of the Republic of Karelia.

The preface to the third edition presents the results of research conducted by teachers of the Department of Psychology on the problem of bullying and violence against children in educational institutions, as well as on the problem of Internet safety of children and adolescents.

The manual provides information on the nature and causes of violence in an educational organization, its types and consequences, the parties involved. The manual is of a practical nature and offers organizational and educational measures, as well as algorithms for the actions of managers, pedagogical and other employees of an educational organization to respond to the facts of violence and provide assistance to victims.