PetrSU began researching the experience of distance learning

Anita Rumyantseva, Ph.D. in Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology, PetrSU summarized the data obtained with the help of the members of the teenage groups “VKontakte”.

As reported in the article, 138 messages were selected regarding distance learning. The article “Experience of distance learning through the eyes of adolescents” was published in the scientific electronic journal of the university “Continuing education: XXI century”.

Most of all, in the conditions of distance learning during the period of self-isolation, adolescents suffered from restrictions and a lack of communication. At the same time, schoolchildren realized such opportunities for distance learning that allow them to avoid unnecessary anxiety, fear and communication problems, establish their own regime, independently organize the learning process, take into account pronounced individual characteristics or satisfy their needs, as well as spend a minimum amount of effort, selectively approaching assignments, said Anita Rumyantseva.

Based on the new data, it would be possible to develop teaching materials for teachers, class teachers, psychologists and parents who had to cope with the new reality one-on-one for several months.