PetrSU teachers at a conference in Pryazhinsky district

For the third year in a row, teachers of PetrSU participate in the work of the municipal educational and research conference of schoolchildren “The Future of the Pryazhinsky District”.
This year, 24 students of grades 5-11 of Pryazhinskaya, Chalninskaya, Vedlozerskaya schools and the National School of Arts named after V.I. V.L. Kalaberdy. The conference was held in correspondence format: students provided texts of works, presentations and videos with the main theses.

Svetlana Markova and Svetlana Alekseevna Zonova, senior teachers of the Department of Theory and Methods of Teaching Mathematics and ICT in Education of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technologies, as members of the jury, assessed the work of the young researchers in the section “Physics and Mathematics and ICT”.

Five works reflected the most diverse interests of the students. The young confectioner Maria Myugyanen of Chalna submitted its draft on the subject. “The visual design and promotion of its own account on a social network” Instagram “own experience in creating Landing business website builder tools Tilda shared Artem Loymoev schoolgirl Essoila Valery Kobrin future plans to open. Daria Samsonova from the Vedlozerskaya school compiled a mini-collection of problems about her school, and Matvey Basin made and analyzed the properties of a non-Newtonian liquid.

The participation of teachers in the event was organized by the Interdistrict Resource Center in Petrozavodsk (director Tatiana Semyonovna Ternovskaya) within the framework of the Pivotal University Development Program.