Pfizer and (KIMS-ICON) Hospital, Visakhapatnam Inaugurate Centre of Excellence for Adult Vaccination


The Centre of Excellence (CoE) seeks to enhance community protection against vaccine preventable diseases like pneumococcal disease by promoting the adoption of adult vaccination.

Visakhapatnam : Pfizer India and KIMS-ICON Hospital have collaborated to inaugurate a new dedicated Centre of Excellence (CoE) for adult vaccination in KIMS-ICON Hospital. The CoE has been set up with the intention of building a holistic healthcare setting. This is intended to strengthen the immunisation process against various diseases that can be prevented through vaccination. These diseases include, but are not limited to, Pneumococcal disease, Hepatitis A and B, Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and Influenza.

In India, approximately 95% of fatalities from diseases that can be prevented with vaccines occur in adults. While adult vaccination is an effective, science-backed solution to improve people’s quality of life, its adoption in the country remains low. The CoE will have a crucial role in providing healthcare professionals with critical information about the scientifically proven advantages and the necessity for timely vaccination in adults. This is particularly important for individuals at risk, especially those with comorbidities like Chronic Lung disease (COPD & Asthma), Diabetes, Chronic Heart Disease, Chronic Kidney Disease, and other conditions that compromise the immune system. People with additional risk factors such as exposure to pollution, smoking, or those aged 50 years or older, will also find it beneficial to discuss adult vaccination with healthcare practitioners as a method of preventive healthcare.

Dr. Satish Kumar Pethakamsetty (Managing Director KIMS-ICON Hospital), Dr. T. Sai Balarama Krishna (Executive Director), Dr. R. Gopalaraju  (Medical Director), Dr.Balaji.Goli (RCOO), G. Sukesh Reddy (Chief Operating Officer) & Dr. K S. Phanendra Kumar (Chief Pulmonologist, & Dr. CH. Bharat Pulmonologist), & Dr.R V. Ravi Kanna Babu (Internal Medicine)  commented, “At KIMS-ICON Hospital, we strive to be at the forefront of disease prevention and vaccination.Vaccinations play an important role across the course of an individual’s life and is equally critical for adults with co-morbidities. The establishment of our new Centre of Excellence represents a pivotal advancement in demonstrating our unwavering commitment to delivering superior quality care to our patients. This initiative, undertaken in collaboration with Pfizer, emphasizes our focused efforts to significantly enhance the adoption of adult vaccination. Our Centre of Excellence will serve as a beacon of innovation and excellence, dedicated to advancing public health through education, accessibility, and the implementation of cutting-edge vaccination strategies.”

Through this Centre, Pfizer Ltd. India and KIMS-ICON Hospital also aspire to enhance patient education and provide counselling to address patient concerns and emphasize the long-term health benefits that public health measures, such as vaccines, can offer. This initiative will include extensive training modules and capacity-building efforts, complemented by access to guidelines and protocol recommendations for adult vaccination.

Dr. Santosh Taur, Director Medical Affairs, Pfizer Vaccines said, “With decades of experience and expertise in vaccine science and medical innovation, Pfizer is firmly committed to promoting public health and speeding up the vaccination process as a vital and effective strategy to protect the community from infections. Our collaboration with KIMS Hospital, reinforces our dedication to preventive health by expanding access to adult vaccinations, ensuring robust protection against prevalent vaccine-preventable diseases, particularly respiratory infections. The establishment of this Centre of Excellence represents a significant milestone in our efforts to support the nation’s healthcare infrastructure. It aims to provide healthcare practitioners and patients with critical information necessary for informed healthcare decisions, particularly regarding immunization.”