PKUTH oncologists offer online consultation for Vietnamese peers

Peking : Professor Wang Junjie, chief of the Radiation Oncology Department of Peking University Third Hospital (PKUTH), designed personalized treatment protocol for a Vietnam-based brain cancer patient through teleconsultation recently. The consultation was held at the invitation of Dr. Ngo Thanh Tung, head of the Vietnamese National Radiotherapy Center and chief of the Radiation Oncology Department of Vietnamese National Cancer Hospital.


Professor Wang and his nursing colleagues at the PKUTH reviewed the outcome and side effects of the previous protocol, contributed key components for improvement, and answered questions from their Vietnamese peers. The new protocol was well received by the local experts, and the two sides committed themselves to more collaborations.

In line with the Belt and Road Initiative, PKUTH has been in close contact with Vietnamese facilities since 2019, and has launched projects for academic exchanges and cooperation with Bach Mai Hospital and National Cancer Hospital, Vietnam’s biggest public general hospital and oncology hospital.