Polytech Ranked Among Top 3 Institutions in North-West for AI Education

The Alliance for Artificial Intelligence has issued the second release of the ranking of universities by the quality of training of specialists in the field of artificial intelligence. Polytechnic entered Group B, retaining last year’s position and securing its place among the top three leaders in the Northwestern Federal District.

Lyudmila Pankova, vice-rector for educational activities, said: «One of the strongest aspects of education at Polytechnic University is the demand for graduates and their good starting salaries. In the HeadHunter ranking we are in the fourth place among all Russian universities. Most of our students, including those from the IT sector, find employment opportunities already in their 2nd or 3rd year of study. Another plus that influenced this ranking is that SPbPU has minor programs. We now have six such courses, including those in the field of cognitive management systems.»

«St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has always not just followed trends, but has been the founder of them. In the field of artificial intelligence, we are developing several promising areas of application at once: from the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases to architecture and construction. Last year we supported five projects in the field of artificial intelligence as part of Priority 2030, and they make a significant contribution to the development of AI at Polytech. We are now seeing active implementation in science and development. One of the interesting examples is robotic platforms that increase production efficiency due to AI,» — commented Maria Vrublevskaya, acting vice-rector for advanced projects.

The calculation methodology includes four groups of criteria (demand for graduates in employment, relevance of the AI training process, educational environment, partnerships and external interactions) and was agreed by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The analytical base was compiled using data from open sources, survey results, information on graduates’ salaries obtained from Rostrud, and data on the USE obtained from the RF Ministry of Education and Science.