Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: Cycle of Open Science 2021 workshops

This July 31 begins a cycle of free talks organized by Explora La Araucanía , a project carried out by the UC Center for Local Development of the Villarrica UC campus. It is a series of conferences by national scientists, who will explain their field of research clearly and closely.

Daniel Opazo , director of Explora La Araucanía explains that ” Open Science is fundamental to promote an active citizenry that gets involved in the construction of the present and future of the country, from knowledge, dialogue and creativity “, adding that the special thing this year It is the collaborative work with three universities in the area, in addition to the association with Cecrea and various high schools, for the development of the cycle of workshops that give life to this program.

The instance will be attended by the renowned UC geographer, Marcelo Lagos, who will speak about the natural disasters that occurred in La Araucanía

Along the same lines, Enzo Cortesi , seremi de las Culturas, las Artes y el Patrimonio, stressed that “we are pleased to be part of and encourage the participation and dialogue of regional citizens in matters as relevant to our development as a society such as science. and creativity . We appreciate the instance of which we are part with Cecrea Temuco and we hope that the community will join in and be part of this initiative ”.

The start of this cycle of workshops will take place on July 31 at 12 noon, through the Explore La Araucanía YouTube channel .

The instance will have the presence of the renowned UC geographer, Marcelo Lagos, who will speak about the natural disasters that occurred in La Araucanía , in addition to sharing space with students from the region, who will make their concerns known from a playful and youthful perspective.

All activities will be free and open to the public.

The talks are organized by Explora La Araucanía together with the Creation Center, Cecrea Temuco, the Program of Accompaniment and Effective Access to Higher Education (PACE) of the Catholic University of Temuco (UCT) and La Frontera University (UFRO). All activities will be free and open to the public.