Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: For the second consecutive year, Red G9 will implement Virtual Student Mobility project

For the second consecutive year and as a result of the successful experience of 2021, the Network of Public Universities grouped in the G9 invites you to join the Virtua l Student Mobility Project , an initiative that seeks that regular students from the institutions that make up the group , they can access to take a subject in another campus of the network, enabling inter-university links and expanding the borders to an interactive-virtual learning space.

Applications began on December 27 and last until January 14 with a wide and varied offer of subjects, which during the second semester of 2021 doubled compared to the first semester of the same year, going from 9 to 20 subjects. The same happened with the vacancies, which went from 120 to almost 300. This project has had an excellent reception in the student body, thus, 200 students took a subject at another G9 university during 2021.

Applications began on December 27 and last until January 14 with a wide and varied offer of subjects, which during the second semester of 2021 doubled compared to the first semester of the same year, going from 9 to 20 subjects. The same happened with vacancies, which went from 120 to almost 300.

Subjects available online
The nine higher education institutions that make up the G9 Network offer various subjects in the first semester of 2022 for regular students from the following higher education institutions: Universidad Católica del Norte , Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso , Technical University Federico Santa María , Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile , Universidad Católica del Maule , Universidad de Concepción , Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción , Universidad Católica de Temuco and Universidad Austral de Chile .

The offer of subjects for this first semester of 2022 is:
• Nurturing myself I learn (UCN)
• Origins: The history of the formation of the earth (UCN)
• Design for the creation and management of value (Design Thinking) (UCN)
• Training citizen (PUCV)
• Philosophy of technology (USM)
• Sustainability (UC)
• Philosophy: Why? (UC)
• Sustainable development: Environmental problems (UCM)
• Sustainable development: Sustainability (UCM)
• Social networks and digital culture (UCM)
• Information, freedom and democracy (UCM)
• Critical reading of the media of social communication (UCM)
• Skills for well-being, growth and personal development (UdeC)
• Development of skills for employability (UdeC)
• Emotional skills, to promote social and emotional well-being (UdeC)
• Development of written skills for the production of texts (UdeC)
• Bibliometric research applied to health sciences (UdeC)
• Qualitative research workshop applied to health sciences (UdeC)
• Modern dance technique and theory (UCSC)
• Effective university inclusion: sign language (UCSC)
• Social Outbreak 18-O: Structural and experiential issues (UCSC)
• Motor expressiveness (UCSC)
• Leadership and teamwork (UCSC)
• Film and video of native peoples (UC Temuco)
• Chess: a way to develop social and cognitive skills (UC Temuco)
• Conversation engineering (UC Temuco)
• Self-care and active life (UACh)
• Sustainable and healthy mobility (UACh)