Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: The new opportunities that UC opens for admission 2022

The 2022 admission process is getting closer and closer, and along with the modifications that the contents and formats of this year’s Transition Test will have, the UC will also add to the news by opening new admission routes for this next period. These are the quotas for Women in Science and UC – Cruzados Sports Club, and the incorporation of the Afro-descendant Chilean people to Intercultural Admission.

Regarding these admission opportunities that the university will implement, the academic vice-rector Fernando Purcell , comments: “We firmly believe that we are a better university with greater diversity.. Here we not only give opportunities to women in science, or to athletes, or to people of African descent. Our vision is broader and also considers the enrichment that the UC community achieves by promoting diversity. Behind these special paths there are life stories, experiences, views and sensibilities that will make us an increasingly complex university “.

Gender Equity: Quota for Women in Science
Under the auspices of the Science 2030 Project , this new path was born that creates vacancies reserved for women. The initiative forms – along with the Gender Equity Theology pathway – a subgroup of ‘gender equity’ within the Equity Admission offered by the university.

The Quota for Women in Science will debut in this next admission process 2022 and aims to encourage the participation of women in areas of study STEM (for its acronym in English: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics ) that traditionally have been more developed by men.

“Incorporating groups that have traditionally been excluded from scientific practice not only has results in terms of social justice, but also has an impact on scientific development itself ”, comments María Isabel Cortez , academic at the Faculty of Mathematics, and director of the “Female leadership and gender equity” axis of the new action plan for careers in basic sciences at UC.

The careers that will open special vacancies for this route are Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics and Statistics . The choice, explains María Isabel, lies in the fact that “they are the careers that present a significant gap in undergraduate enrollment between men and women – of the order of 20% versus 80% in some of those careers .”

Students who want to apply to this new path must have some requirements, such as obtaining a good score on the Mathematics Transition Test, since each career involved requires a specific minimum score to apply (Physics and Astronomy ask for 650 points, Statistics 680 and Mathematics 690 points). Then, they must make the application directly via DEMRE – according to the calendar determined for this admission process – registering first for the career of choice. Finally, if the applicant is on the waiting list for the career of greatest interest (registered first), she will meet the conditions to participate in the selection process for this path.

Special Admission: The UC Sports Club Quota – Cruzados
Young soccer talents will have a specific and exclusive entry option to college . The UC – Cruzados Sports Club Quota was thought and created for those who have been trained in this sporting discipline and, due to the exclusive dedication they have given it, have a different course of study than the traditional one.

“It will allow two institutions linked to UC, which work with outstanding athletes, to have the possibility of opting to study a university degree after having developed their sports career for many years . The management is very happy with this new way of entry ”, declares Jorge Silva , director of UC Sports.

The academic aptitudes and talents of these young people will be valued in a special way when seeking to enter any of the 14 careers that opened vacancies for this path. It will be essential for each applicant to prove that they have graduated from high school, have a minimum of three years of practice in one of the clubs involved, among other conditions. In addition, all will have to face stages of personal evaluation and, depending on the career to which they apply, also specific tests determined by each study program. Some careers will not even require the applicant to have taken the PDT.

When can you apply? The process will be between October 4 and November 12.

More information about the “Quota Club Deportivo UC – Cruzados”