Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC): Abortion in the Constitutional Convention

Last week , the Constitutional Convention’s Fundamental Rights Commission approved the right to free abortion. This norm implies that it would be an enforceable constitutional right, in “conditions of equality and without discrimination.” It adds that “the right of people to make free and autonomous decisions about their bodies, their sexuality and their reproduction is recognized and promoted” . Likewise, it indicates that the State must guarantee access to information and provide the material means. In addition, personal conscientious objection and institutional ideology to oppose performing an abortion would be rejected. Everything described is of the utmost seriousness and requires in-depth analysis and debate in our society.

“A developed society is recognized for respecting life, which is the first human right” – UC Rector Ignacio Sánchez

These proposals disregard what was widely discussed a few months ago and was rejected in parliament, along with the majority opinion of citizens in relation to opposing free abortion (UC Bicentennial Survey 2021) . In a society that longs to advance towards integral development, -and particularly in a new Fundamental Charter-, the value of life from conception must be protected and must always be at the center of the dignity of the person.

This initiative of the commission, -which will have to be voted on shortly in plenary session-, threatens the first human right, which is life. This unacceptable offense is done to the most helpless and innocent being of all, who cannot defend himself, and it is the unborn child. In gestation, it has been insisted that the commitment must be to take comprehensive care of the mother and the unborn child.

A developed society is recognized for respecting life, which is the first human right. We have reiterated that abortion is a serious attack against life, so protecting life from its beginning at conception is caring for a fundamental human right. This is a great responsibility of the Convention, the citizenry should be very attentive to ensure that the care for life and the dignity of people in a new Constitution is fully complied with.