Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC): Former students carry out the process of changing the storage and email platform UC


In mid-November, those who have completed both pre- and postgraduate studies at the Catholic University will begin to use the mail and storage tools of Microsoft 365 , thus carrying out the migration process from the Google platform. The UC Storage and Email Change Project is an institutional initiative that seeks to unify the digital ecosystem through the Microsoft 365 platform, in order to facilitate access to information, promote collaboration between units and improve the user experience. Username.

It is a process that takes place in three stages. The first consisted of enabling Alumni accounts in Microsoft 365, a phase that began in July 2022 and ends on November 15 with the deactivation of the Google Workspace platform for undergraduate and postgraduate alumni. The second stage corresponds to the migration from Microsoft Exchange to Microsoft 365 for civil servants and academics. The third phase will involve a self-migration process of all Google Workspace accounts to Microsoft 365, between the end of the second semester of 2022 and the beginning of the first semester of 2023, an instance that will include academics, students, officials and other members of the UC Community.

For Mauricio Bernabó, director of Digital Transformation UC, this implementation is relevant because it seeks to “promote collaboration, coordination and knowledge exchange between units through a single platform that avoids incompatibilities and allows horizontal communication between the different members of the the UC Community. Bernabó highlights the need to advance in digital transformation initiatives “to effectively face current challenges and thus maintain the standards that allow us to be recognized as one of the best universities in Latin America.”

“This project seeks to promote collaboration, coordination and the exchange of knowledge between the units through a single platform that avoids incompatibilities and allows horizontal communication between the members of the UC Community” – Mauricio Bernabó, director of Digital Transformation UC

For now, the Digital Transformation department together with the IT department has set up a help desk, website, suggestions, tutorials and support material so that undergraduate and postgraduate alumni can retrieve their information, storing it in a device of your choice or by self-migrating to Microsoft 365.

For now, efforts are focused on supporting the Alumni Community in this transition process and, later, informing in detail the start of the self-migration phase of UC students, academics and officials to the new system, at which time support instances will be offered. and help material for all members of the UC Community.