Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC): Municipality of Ñuñoa and Teatro UC sign an important collaboration agreement

Aware of the need and importance of promoting joint work in the areas of Education, Culture, Art and Heritage, the Municipality of Ñuñoa and Teatro UC decided to join forces and forge an alliance to strengthen the cultural progress of the territory in the commune. Through this, both institutions commit to the development and implementation of joint strategies that help strengthen the efforts that each one has been making separately until now.

“On National Theater Day and through this agreement with Teatro UC, a friendly institution and so important in the cultural activities of the ñuñoínos, we reaffirm our commitment to access to the arts for all our neighbors. We invite you to enjoy these new instances of encounter with the performing arts, which are essential for good living and the development of communities” , says Emilia Ríos, mayor of the Illustrious Municipality of Ñuñoa.

It is an unprecedented initiative for both establishments and that contemplates three general axes: the creation of training and education instances linked to theater and the arts; the circulation and presentation of plays; and the transfer of specific knowledge.

The signing of the agreement will take place on the National Theater Day, this May 11, at 6:30 p.m., on the front of the UC Theater.

“The development of cultural management is and will be fruitful if the various social agents remain linked. Today Teatro UC is one of the community references and the only active space with these characteristics in the area. For this reason, and given the citizen and participatory character that the Municipality has today with a direct approach towards the protection and development of culture, we are immensely proud of the creation of this agreement that seeks to promote citizen and neighborhood access to culture. and heritage” , says Tania Rebolledo, executive director(s) of Teatro UC.

The signing of the agreement will take place on National Theater Day, this May 11, at 6:30 p.m., on the front of the UC Theater, with the presence of the mayor of Ñuñoa, Emilia Ríos, the general director of the Cultural Corporation of Ñuñoa , Paulina Tranchino, the UC rector, Ignacio Sánchez, the executive director(s) of Teatro UC, Tania Rebolledo, and the artistic director of Teatro UC, Gabriela Aguilera.

As a symbol of the materialization of the alliance, an open foyer will be offered to the community in which Teatro a Vapor , one of the companies selected in the Residencies of Theater Arts and Crafts 2022 – instance generated thanks to the joint work between Teatro UC and the Department of Culture, Heritage and Tourism of the Municipality of Ñuñoa -, will present an excerpt from the puppet play “Fable of the three women” .