Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC): New Cycle of Conferences 2022 of the Institute of Applied Ethics UC


Starting the second semester of the 2022 Cycle of Conferences of the Institute of Applied Ethics (IEA), the academic Alejandra Mancilla from the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Oslo , spoke on the topic “Effective unemployment: Moral bases of territorial rights”.

On the occasion, he referred to his academic project “Dynamic Territory”, which proposes how to rethink territorial rights when the conditions that were previously considered predictable and stable, such as climate, geography and demography, are changing in such a way that they are difficult to predict.

Professor Mancilla raised on the occasion the challenges of creating a new regulatory framework that moves from a discourse of “territorial rights to territorial duties and from rights over natural resources to duties with the natural world”, which implies establishing “a more horizontal relationship , informed and respectful of other living beings and ecosystems”, she explained.

Regarding the Cycle of Conferences at the IEA UC, its director, Professor Juan Larraín , pointed out that “the purpose of these activities is to generate interdisciplinary reflection on contingent issues so that the Institute of Applied Ethics can contribute to public discussion ”.

“The purpose of these activities is to generate interdisciplinary reflection on contingent issues so that the Institute of Applied Ethics can contribute to public discussion” – Juan Larraín, director of the Institute of Applied Ethics.

The path for respect to become a form of care
For her part, the full professor of the UC Institute of Philosophy and deputy director of the UC Center for Bioethics, María Alejandra Carrasco , spoke about “ Justice, respect and care ”, based on her thesis that “respect is a form of care”.

Professor Carrasco stated that “I respect (another), because I want their well-being for themselves and I recognize that for a rational agent to self-direct their life, following their preferences, constitutes an important part of that well-being”. Even when I disapprove of their decisions, as long as they do not violate the rights of others -which I also respect because I care and care because I value-, I tolerate that choice.”

“I respect (another), because I want their well-being for themselves and I recognize that for a rational agent to self-direct their life, following their preferences, constitutes an important part of that well-being” – María Alejandra Carrasco, academic of the Institute of Philosophy.

In this sense, he assured that “promoting the habit of empathy will allow us to recognize others more” and specified that he understands that empathy as “a natural psychological mechanism that is at the base of our moral attitudes.”

In both activities, an interesting conversation was developed on the topics discussed between the teachers and students who participated.