Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile: UC will organize a cycle on masculinities in the university context

In this instance, promoted by the Gender Equity Directorate and the Center for Teacher Development (CDDoc), various national and international specialists will reflect on gender readings in education, co-responsibility and diversity. The first meeting will be held on November 9 at 5:00 p.m.

“Masculinities in the university context: gender readings in education, co-responsibility and diversity” is the name of the cycle organized by the Gender Equity Directorate and the Center for Teacher Development (CDDoc) that will have its first meeting on November 9 at 5:00 p.m. : 00 hours and later on November 17 and 23. Open to all audiences ( registration here ), the cycle will be held remotely (Zoom) and leading experts in the field will participate.

“This series of talks is an invitation to reflect on masculinities and gender equality, fostering dialogue within the university community,” says Silvana Zanlungo, director of Gender Equity UC, about this series of talks and its objectives. “Based on this theme, we want the different actors that participate in the UC community to be able to think, for example, about the challenges of gender equality in teaching practice and identify strategies to incorporate a broad and diverse perspective of masculinities”, adds. Another of the purposes is also “to open the conversation to other relevant issues such as co-responsibility policies and the role of paternities,

“We want the different actors involved in the UC community to be able to think about the challenges of gender equity in teaching practice and identify strategies to incorporate a broad and diverse perspective of masculinities” – Silvana Zanlungo, Director of Gender Equity UC

The training cycle is part of the PUC 20102 Project “University Training and Gender Equity: A challenge to sensitize and integrate the gender approach in the culture of the UC community”, and aims to promote reflection, dialogue and problematization regarding the studies on masculinities and gender equality in the university.

The purpose is to move towards “the mainstreaming and institutionalization of the gender approach, and together with it to favor educational environments free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination in labor and academic practices and in the educational project of the university”. In the cycle, experts in masculinities at the national and international level will present, who will share their experience regarding the studies carried out in this field and will also propose conceptual frameworks and methodologies that allow deepening in the relevant concepts of this subject.

Francisco Aguayo , researcher and specialist in Masculinities and Paternities. Master in Gender and Culture Studies from the University of Chile and Candidate for a Doctor of Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso . Aguayo is a therapist and psychodramatist, as well as Director of EME and co-director of CulturaSalud, a foundation dedicated to research and psychosocial intervention with men and gender equality. His areas of work are masculinities, fatherhood, gender violence and mental health.
Sebastián Madrid, assistant professor at the UC Institute of Sociology . Madrid is a Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Sydney, Australia. Her research areas are at the intersection of the sociologies of gender, elites and education and her interest is in the study of power and privilege from a biographical approach.
Rosario Undurraga , psychologist from the Catholic University, Master in Comparative Labor Studies and Doctor in Sociology from the University of Warwick. Her main research topics are gender, work and social inequalities. She currently works as a tenured professor at the School of Family Sciences of the Finis Terrae University .
Luciano Fabbri, Doctor in Social Sciences (UBA) and Graduate in Political Science (UNR). Fabbri is president of the Masculinities and Social Change Institute, Coordinator of the Gender and Sexualities Area of ​​the Rectorate of the National University of Rosario , Argentina. He is also a consultant on Gender and Masculinities in projects of the Spotlight Initiative (UN) and a member of the ad honorem Advisory Council of the Ministry of Women, Gender and Diversity of Argentina.