Prabhari Panchayat Pathi took review of development initiatives started during B2V4 program



UDHAMPUR : District Information Officer, Udhampur, Rajinder Kumar Digra today visited Panchayat Pathi of block Udhampur as Parbhari to review the progress of the initiative being taken up in the panchayat during Back To Village Phase IV programme.

He participated in Gram Sabha & multiple public camp organized at GHS Pathi and held discussions with the officials of various departments and interacted with PRI members viz BDC Chairman Udhampur, Balwan Singh, Sarpanch and Panches of the Pachayat Pathi. The officer gave patient hearing to the deliberations held with the PRI members & general public. Disputes for realignment line pole & electrification of left out houses was sort out on the spot with diligent deliberation and intervention of the visiting officer.