Practicality, flexibility major factors towards growth of digital nomadism in the world

The pandemic and the need for social isolation led to true revolutions in relationships and work formats. Among the intense changes is the popularization of the home office , which was joined by several companies and remained in force in several others, even after the end of the quarantine. This model generated an even stronger work globalization process, since it is now easier to work for a company in another country. This is precisely why the world has witnessed the growth of digital nomads, people who leave their countries of origin and live without a fixed base, but with the help of the popular remote work.

Currently, the population that lives in this way around the globe already reaches 35 million. However, according to the 2022 Global Report on Migration Trends, by Fragomen, a company specializing in migration, the number should increase to 1 billion by 2035. RP) from USP, the answer is in the social profile of the new generations. “Today, we have a profile that is less attached to the family, which can influence. In general, it is an interesting opportunity, especially for younger people”, he evaluates.

This is the framework in which Felipe Fogaça fits. At the age of 27, he lives in Ribeirão Preto, but works for an English school in Melbourne, Australia, on the other side of the planet, and does most of his chores at home. “ If you have any medical or family commitments, I have the flexibility to move around ”, he explains. Fogaça’s plans even include a permanent move to Canada. All this without leaving your current job.

life on the road
Unlike Fogaça, however, many other people invest precisely in life without a fixed base and visit new cities all the time. According to Professor Rodello, this philosophy of life in constant movement should also change the economic reality of various communities around the world. Although he is cautious about Fragomen’s forecast, the expert sees that digital nomadism “ brings benefits both to people who can take advantage of the low season for tourism to get to know a region and to hotels and companies that practice tourism and, in low season, can welcome these digital nomads”.

Brazil itself even joined the movement and offers the issuance of special visas for up to one year for digital nomads. The countries that most sought this permission in the last year were the United States and England. However, not everything is party, and balance is necessary. “Responsibility. I think an interesting word to put in this context is that the digital nomad needs to be very responsible within what he has agreed with the person or company that requested the service”, ponders Rodello.

Fogaça, however, doesn’t seem to have problems with life away from the office and is already completely adapted, despite the differences in time zones that sometimes force him to wake up at dawn to attend meetings. “I really like working from home too, on my computer, organizing my own space without having to prepare much in advance for commuting to work. In big cities, people have an hour or even two hours to commute to work. I’m next to my office, so it turns out to be much easier ”, he extols.

Furthermore, for him, the future has already arrived, and his vision of what the job market will be in the coming years is very clear. Fogaça believes that working remotely “is already a trend, although there are jobs that are impossible to do remotely. But companies that can do that and don’t adapt the work style, at least for the hybrid, are going to lose a lot of talent.”