Presentation of the information system “Linguistics”

The presentation of the information system of expert linguistic analysis took place, which was conducted by Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of Linguistics and Professional Communication in Foreign Languages, Head of the Center for French Language and Culture of the Ural Federal University, Professor of the Department of German and French Languages ​​of PetrSU Yu.V. Epiphany.
The master class was attended by students and teachers of the Department of German and French Languages ​​of the Institute of Foreign Languages, as well as students and undergraduates of the Institute of Mathematics and Information Technology.

Yulia Valerievna spoke about her project, which she has been working on for many years, and showed step by step how using this application you can build classification trees and carry out analysis by their parameters, generate statistical reports, compare them in multilingual projects and get samples by parameters of interest. … The electronic environment created by her will be useful for students working on small projects (article, coursework, FQP), as well as for those who work on voluminous research (dissertation, monograph, etc.). After the presentation, Professor Yu.V. Bogoyavlenskaya answered the questions of the participants of the seminar-presentation.

N.I. Tocco, Ph.D., Associate Professor of the Department of German and French Languages ​​of the Institute of Foreign Languages:

It was a real MASTER class! Yulia Valerievna very interestingly, vividly and clearly highlighted in her presentation the impressive functionality, advantages and prospects of ISEA for the development of research projects, shared her own experience in solving problems and implementing projects using the system she proposed, gave recommendations on its practical application in research work.

P.V. Petrovskaya, 5th year student of the Institute of Foreign Languages, direction of training “Pedagogical education with two training profiles (French and English)”:

Many thanks to Yulia Valerievna for a detailed master class on working in the “Linguistics” system. It is possible to understand the program on your own, but we were told about the most important aspects, introduced to the service interface and its mechanisms of operation. With illustrative examples, it became clear how we can use “Linguistics” in our research activities.

The master class was organized by the head of the French Language Resource Center of PetrSU N.S. Barymova.