Prime Minister Narendra Modi said Swami Vivekananda believed that women can lead society and solve problems themselves when then get the right platform


Prime Minister Narendra Modi today said Swami Vivekananda believed that women can lead society and solve problems themselves when then get the right platform.
He said today India believes in women led development, whether it is a start up or air force or higher education, women are breaking barriers and making records.
Mr. Modi was speaking at the 125th Anniversary celebrations of Ramakrishna Math at Vivekananda House in Chennai. He said that Ramakrishna Math played an important role in his life. He stated that ancient ideas are reaching the younger generation through modern technologies today.
The Prime Minister acclaimed Ramakrishna Math which is serving Tamil Nādu in many areas such as education, libraries, leprosy awareness, rehabilitation, rural development. Swami Vivekananda discovered the purpose of his life at the famous rock of Kanyakumari, PM said.
He reiterated that even our governance philosophies are inspired by Swami Vivekananda where Swamiji stressed that if you ensure equality, the society automatically progresses. In the same way all our government flagship programmes are framed to benefit everyone in the society.
PM said one of the most successful Mudra schemes which is celebrating 8th anniversary today made most of the small entrepreneurs of Tamil Nadu as leaders. Nearly 38 crore collateral free loans have been provided to small entrepreneurs and a huge number of women and marginal sections of the society have benefited from this Mudra Yojana.