Queen Mary University Of London Moves Ahead With Refurbishment Project

The project, which is being overseen by Bob Watson, Senior Project Manager, is set to transform the 918 sq m (about twice the area of a basketball court) space into a flexible environment that will better meet the needs of all academic users of the space – from PhDs students to professors. The space will include bookable offices, meeting pods, collaboration spaces and social space.

During the visit, Professor Steve Uhlig, Head of the School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Sciences, explained how the hybrid footprint has been designed to provide collaborative and flexible space to meet the evolving needs of the academic community. “During the visit, we shared ideas for how we can build on this as we roll out New Ways of Working across the Faculty,” he shared

Bob Watson, who successfully led the refurbishment of Department W, said “This was an insightful next step for New Ways of Working at Queen Mary as it takes the principles developed for Department W and adapts them for an academic environment.”

The refurbishment project is a significant milestone in Queen Mary’s commitment to providing a collaborative and flexible environment for its academic community. It is set to be completed soon and will undoubtedly enhance the academic experience for all users.