Quiz competition on the occasion of International Literacy Day 2021

Since 1967, International Literacy Day (ILD) is celebrated every year around the world to remind all of us of the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights, and to advance the literacy agenda towards a more literate and sustainable society.

International Literacy Day 2021 is celebrated on 8 September 2021. With the COVID-19 crisis having disrupted the learning of children, young people, and adults at an unprecedented scale, it has also magnified the pre-existing inequalities in access to meaningful literacy learning opportunities, disproportionally affecting 773 million non-literate young people and adults.

To raise awareness about the importance of youth and adult literacy, especially during times of crisis, International Literacy Day is celebrated under the theme “Literacy for a human-centred recovery: Narrowing the digital divide”.

On the occasion of International Literacy Day 2021, the UNESCO Dhaka Office is organizing an online quiz competition to raise awareness about the importance of literacy and lifelong learning in Bangladesh and beyond.

The online quiz will be available through this link from 11 – 16 September 2021 and participation is free of charge. During the quiz, participants are asked 10 questions relating to literacy and International Literacy Day.

At the end of the quiz, participants have the voluntary option to provide their name and email address to participate in a competition. Kindly note that we will not be able to reach you if you don’t provide your email address and if you are selected as a winner.

All respondents who have answered all 10 questions correctly will be awarded with a PDF certificate of appreciation by email.

Data privacy will be strictly maintained by UNESCO.


Launch: 11 September 2021, 9 am

Closing: 17 September 2021, 9 pm

Results will be announced during webinar on 20 September 2021