Quiz to mark the International Year of Millets



ALIGARH: Rajana Rakesh Naidu won the first prize in the quiz competition organized by the Department of Plant Protection, Aligarh Muslim University to mark the International Year of Millets, 2023, to create awareness for the use of millets as a dependable alternative cereal.

The second prize was shared by K. Sushi, TV Chandrasekhar, and Rashid Hussain while the third prize was given jointly to Rohit Kumar, Jayajeevitha SRM and Shaik Sushma Shareen.

Giving away certificates to the participants, Prof Mujeebur Rahman Khan, Chairman, the Department of Plant Protection stressed the importance of millets in the present agricultural and climate conditions and its health benefits.

He said that India has marked the year 2023 as an International Year of Millets (IYM), and an overwhelming number of 72 countries has supported the agenda, subsequently approved by the Food and Agriculture Organization. “We should therefore enthusiastically participate in the IYM celebrations,” he added.

A large number of postgraduate students and research scholars actively participated in this competition. An intense competition was seen among the participants.