Radboud University: Mobility campaign campus Arnhem and Nijmegen region launched


Every day, around a hundred thousand staff and students travel to the campuses in Nijmegen, Arnhem and Velp. It is important to keep the campus accessible, and preferably in a sustainable and comfortable way. That is why the new mobility campaign How do you travel to the campus will start on 10 October 2022. The campaign is a joint initiative of educational institutions in the region and the municipalities of Arnhem and Nijmegen.

More travel comfort and less congested rush hours
We are convinced that travelling to campus can be even smarter, cleaner and more sustainable if more people make a conscious choice more often. The aim of the campaign is therefore to inspire and encourage people to discover a different way of travelling, one that is more sustainable and makes you happy too. If more people travel in a smart way, this will result in less congested rush hours and more travel comfort.

Experience stories and travel options
In this campaign, campus travellers in Arnhem and Nijmegen talk about their journeys. They share their experience and tell what the added value is for them. On the website naardecampus.nl (in Dutch) you will find travel options including tips, useful facts, apps, actions and initiatives that help you make smart choices.

Cooperation partners in the region
Cooperation partners within this mobility campaign include the municipalities of Nijmegen and Arnhem, Radboudumc, Radboud University and educational institutions Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen (HAN University of Applied Sciences), Rijn IJssel, ROC Nijmegen, Van Hall Larenstein, Yuverta and a mobility broker. They are already working together in the Slim en Schoon Onderweg (in Dutch) programme.