Radboud University: NeurotechEU is expanding with University of Lille


NeurotechEU is the European University Alliance in Brain and Technology aiming to build a trans-European network of excellence in brain research and technologies to increase the competitiveness of European education, research, economy, and society. The founding partners of NeurotechEU consist of Radboud University, Miguel Hernández University of Elche (Spain), Karolinska Institutet (Sweden), University of Bonn (Germany), Boğaziçi University (Turkey), University of Oxford (United Kingdom), Iuliu Hațieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Romania) and the University of Debrecen (Hungary).

NeurotechEU reflects on the future of universities, trying to create an image of how universities will look in 2040; for example, will there be global universities? Additionally, what will be the future in the field of brain research and technology? Will there be brain implants that can function as a normal brain?

To answer these crucial questions, NeurotechEU is constantly exploring how to compose a consortium that considers the future of neurotechnology and universities in general.

University of Lille: a great addition
The addition of the University of Lille can play an important role in composing this consortium. The University of Lille is an impressive university with around 78.000 students. It holds a great set of expertise and facilities relevant to Neurotechnology, such as Brain-Computer Interfaces and Neuromorphic Computing, among others, that can be a great addition to NeurotechEU’s mission.

Régis Bordet, rector of the University of Lille: “The University of Lille is delighted to join NeurotechEU. Becoming a partner of a European University Alliance is a key aspect of our European strategy. As a university, we are a strong believer in the power of networks for their agility and capacity to respond quickly and effectively to new challenges, so we are enthusiastic about the potential that belongs to NeurotechEU will offer us.”

The University of Lille has been accepted by NeurotechEU’s Board of Governors. The acceptance will be formalized in the next amendment with the European Commission, to be submitted by the end of the year.