Radboud University rises in Sustainable Development Goals ranking

The THE Impact Ranking is a ranking that assesses universities based on their contribution to the Sustainable Development Goals (also known as SDGs). A total of 1591 institutions worldwide participated in the ranking this year. This year, Radboud University scored slightly better than last year.

Radboud University ranked between 301-400 (with a score of 75.9 points) in the THE Impact Ranking 2023. Relatively speaking, our university improved slightly compared to last year. In 2022, we also ranked 301-400 out of the then 1410 participating universities (with a score of 73.6 points).

Besides the overall ranking, there is also a ranking by SDG. Radboud University is in the top 100 on two SDGs.

SDG 15 Living on land (position 49 out of 586 institutions assessed on this SDG)
SDG 13 Climate action (position 76 out of 735 institutions assessed on this SDG)
Radboud Universiteit doet het iets beter in ranking Duurzame Ontwikkelingsdoelen
Hoe komt de THE impact Ranking tot stand?
There are a total of 17 SDGs for which an organisation can submit input. Contributions to the SDGs are assessed in four areas: research, stewardship, outreach and education.

All participating universities are assessed on point SDG17 (partnerships for the goals), which is combined with the top three scores of the remaining SDGs. The SDGs that Radboud University scored highest on according to the THE Impact Ranking 2023 are:

SDG 15 Living on land (score 80,6)
SDG 3 Good health and well-being (score 78,5)
SDG 4 Quality education (score 72,3)
External assessment
Radboud University places sustainability at the core of its education, research and operational management. By participating in the THE Impact Ranking, the university demonstrates its willingness to have its SDG contributions externally assessed against those of other institutions. Participating in the ranking also contributes to the continuous improvement of the university’s sustainability programme. This year’s results will inspire the university to gain more insights in the effects of our “outreach” activities and map what SDG-related activities the university is undertaking in collaboration with external partners.