Recognition and Honor: Awards Bestowed Upon Outstanding RWTH Students and Doctoral Candidates

During a ceremony, 18 students and doctoral candidates were honored with the 2023 Friedrich Wilhelm Prize for their outstanding achievements. These included nine Master’s theses and nine dissertations.

The 2023 Friedrich Wilhelm Prize was awarded to the following persons: Lukas Grunwald M. Sc., Michel Virgil Heinz M. Sc., Dominik Steden M. Sc., Lukas Frenzel M. Sc., Nico Dirkes M. Sc., Mathias Krämer M. Sc., Abdullah Tokmak M. Sc., Devi Janani Ramesh M. Sc., Natalja Stojanović M. Sc., Dr. rer. nat. Luca Felix Banszerus, Dr.-Ing. Felix Martin, Dr.-Ing. Abedulgader Baktheer, Dr.-Ing. Lukas Konstantin Willi Berger, Dr.-Ing. Jannik Burre, Dr. rer. pol. Christina Diana Florence Dienhart, Dr. rer. pol. Nicole Janine Hartwich, Dr. rer. medic. Cláudia Régio Brambilla and Dr. rer. Medic. Yaoxian Xu.

Promoting Research and Teaching

The Friedrich Wilhelm Prizes are awarded by the foundation of the same name, which was established in 1865 by the legal predecessor of today’s “Aachener und Münchener Beteiligungsgesellschaft”. Its central aim is to promote research and teaching and to support students and academics at RWTH Aachen University. The name of the foundation goes back to the Prussian Crown Prince and later Emperor Friedrich Wilhelm III. In 1858, he received a donation of 5,000 thalers from the “Aachener und Münchener Feuerversicherungsgesellschaft” to establish a polytechnic institute in the Rhine province. This donation formed the basis for the Friedrich Wilhelm Foundation, which was later established and in turn laid the foundation for RWTH Aachen University.