Regional Expert Consultation against Gender Stereotypes in North America

UNESCO’s Social Human Sciences Sector is launching this series of six consultations to take stock of the situation related to gender-based discriminations, violence, harmful social norms and stereotypes that contribute to the marginalization, exclusion and increased vulnerabilities of women and girls around the world, especially within the current context of the COVID-19 crisis.

We aim to enrich UNESCO’s strengthened efforts for gender equality and, as such, these consultations will be used to draw a roadmap and guide the interventions, directions and evidence base of UNESCO’s upcoming Flagship Programme against Gender Stereotypes that will seek to prevent violence and discrimination against women and girls by undermining their root causes.

Monday 11 January 2021: NORTH AMERICA – (4.30pm – 6pm CET)

Provisional agenda:

Opening remarks by Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO
Interactive discussion moderated by Tim Shand with:
Catherine Feingold, Deputy President of the International Trade Union Confederation
Durba Mitra, Assistant Professor of Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality; Carol K. Pforzheimer Assistant Professor at the Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University
Humberto Carolo, Executive Director of White Ribbon, Co-Chair of Global MenEngage Alliance
Julie Goldscheid, Professor of Law, CUNY Law School
Q&A with the audience
Recommendations on the way forward