Relief Com Office organises grievances redressal Camp


JAMMU: In continuation to the delivery of services in non camp areas and with the aim to provide convenient delivery of services and on spot redressal of grievances of migrants, a team from the office of Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner (Migrants) headed by KK Sidha, Relief and Rehabilitation Commissioner (Migrants) J&K alongwith deputy commissioner (relief) organised grievance redressal camp at Sanjeevani Sharda Kendra, Anand Nagar, Bohri, Talab Tillo today.

The team enrolled the 61 beneficiaries under ayushmaan health cards, issued 30 domicile certificates and processed files for services pertaining to updation in ration cards, besides facilitating in redressal of the other grievances related to the property, land and education of kashmiri migrants. The worthy Relief Commissioner has assured that more such camps will be organised in near future for the benefit of migrants residing in Jammu and nearby areas.