Representatives of SPbPU attend A2 international fairs in Morocco and Azerbaijan


Representatives of SPbPU International office continue to work actively at A2 International Education Fairs. In the fall of 2022, foreign applicants from Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir (Turkey) were introduced to the university’s educational and research opportunities. In late November and early December, the polytech team went to Morocco and Azerbaijan, where a total of more than 2,000 foreign participants were consulted.

Representatives of SPbPU International office continue to work actively at international educational fairs
During the three days, more than 5 thousand potential foreign applicants had visited the fair, and about 1.5 thousand of them received detailed advice from SPbPU envoys. The most popular areas of training for Moroccan school and university students were construction and architecture, computer science, biotechnology, management and economics.

Most of the visitors to A2 Fall Morocco Fairs were high school students with their parents, as well as representatives of schools responsible for career guidance. About 30% of the participants were interested in graduate and postgraduate programs in English, said Alla Mazina, deputy head of International Education Office. We also visited three private schools in Casablanca, which allowed high school students to learn about education opportunities abroad.

Representatives of SPbPU International office it the International Educational Fair in Morocco
High school students from Morocco were interested in the scholarship support for studying in the Russian Federation as well as in the recognition of Russian diplomas in the world. Representatives of SPbPU told about this in detail at the consultations. In particular, the winners of the international student competition Open Doors: Russian Scholarship Project, as well as those who will apply for a quota of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education can study at Polytechnic University for free.

International fair A2 Fall Azerbaijan Fair took place in Baku (Azerbaijan) and brought together over 20 universities from more than 10 countries. During the two days, more than 3 thousand people visited it, about 600 people received detailed advice at the SPbPU exposition.

The visitors of SPbPU exposition at A2 Fall Morocco Fairs
Azerbaijan is traditionally the country from which foreign applicants come to study at Russian universities year after year, commented Evgeniya Satalkina, head of the International Education Office. According to the results of the two exhibition days, more than 100 potential candidates have sent their requests for studying to SPbPU. We also established contacts with several recruiting agencies in Azerbaijan and Turkey and plan to discuss possible areas of cooperation in the near future.

Most visitors to the A2 Fall Azerbaijan Fair in Baku were interested in IT, computer programming and information technology, economics, management, biotechnology and chemistry, construction and architecture, as well as international relations. Most of the school and college students in Azerbaijan asked questions about the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in Russian and English, and some participants requested advice about PhD, including those in English.

The visitors of SPbPU exposition at A2 Fall Azerbaijan Fair
Equally relevant to the audience were questions about the recognition of Russian diplomas abroad. It is important to emphasize that SPbPU has established the Centre for International Credential Evaluation, whose experts have extensive experience in the recognition of foreign educational documents and in related areas.