Researchers at the University of Tübingen are developing digital learning platforms for innovative history lessons

Researchers at the University of Tübingen are going online with a new digital school platform : At , it supports historical learning and enables schools to turn history lessons into an exciting learning experience even under difficult pandemic conditions. It was developed by scientists from the Tübingen Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 923 “Threatened Orders” in collaboration with the Institute for History Didactics and Public History.

The platform starts with five historical situations, including “Germany after the end of the war in 1945”, “the plague” or “the Chernobyl reactor disaster”. It is regularly supplemented with new learning modules and expanded with new functions and task formats. The scientists oriented themselves towards the learning needs of the students. “History lessons should become more exciting,” says project manager Professor Bernd-Stefan Grewe from the Institute for History Didactics and Public History. “The dramatic crises that the Collaborative Research Center ‘Threatened Orders’ is researching offer the perfect starting point for this.”