Reshaping the Electrical System: The Influence of Artificial Intelligence

ChatGPT became very famous for being an artificial intelligence (AI) tool capable of generating text responses with a greater quality of meaning However, this is not the only type of AI that exists. There are also those capable of assisting in medical diagnosis, solving equations, plotting better routes, in short, many variables.

But it is also possible to relate this technology to the optimization of electrical systems. “It is present in our daily lives much more frequently than we imagine: when we call customer service and hear messages on menus; when we contact a cafeteria via WhatsApp to ask for the menu and place a delivery order as well”, explains professor Fernando de Lima Caneppele, from the Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering at USP in Pirassununga.

Fernando de Lima Caneppele – Photo: e-aulas

“There are different levels of artificial intelligence: from the simplest, such as in snack and pizza delivery services, to the most complex, such as those that can make people study, learn new content and present solutions according to demand”, adds the teacher.


This last question — about demand analysis and learning — answers what could be one of the main relationships between AI and electrical energy. “In Texas (USA), the electrical energy system takes considerable advantage of renewable energy sources abundant in the region, such as solar and wind energy. However, they are difficult to store, that is, there is currently no way to store the solar energy that is left over today for use a week from now”, comments Caneppele.

And this is how, in management, AIs come into play in the energy field, as the specialist puts it: “Researchers have developed a way of knowing, in advance, a condition of lack of wind or solar energy, which can lead the system to collapse. This way, you can see the energy that can be harnessed or stored and used at the right time.”