Results of the academic essay competition in English

The results of the competition for writing the best academic essay in English among undergraduate students of PetrSU with non-linguistic training profiles have been summed up.
The competition was held from June to September 2021 as part of the work of the Center for Academic Writing of PetrSU and was organized by the activists of the center, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​in the Humanities: L.N. Yusupova, TM. Tatarina, O. M. Sherekhova, O.V. Vikulina. B.N. Arinova, Art. lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Faculty of Law, linguist-translator, lecturer of the course “Academic Writing and Critical Thinking” from the Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

The main goal of the competition is to popularize the principles of academic writing in teaching writing in the process of learning English in non-linguistic areas of training.

The competition was held in the following nominations: by type of academic essay and by volume of essay (mini-essay 400-600 words, standard essay 900-1500 words). The works submitted for the competition were evaluated by the jury in a double-blind review format according to the following criteria: uniqueness and originality of the essay, clear structure and logic of presentation, argumentation, lexical content of the essay, taking into account the scientific style of presenting information, grammar.

The winners are:

In the mini-essay category:

1st place:

Timur Maltsev with an argumentative essay “The 1812 Fire of Moscow” (1 course, IIPSN, direction of training “History of Russia”).
2nd place:

Ekaterina Nikulina, essay comparison-juxtaposition “Messaging vs face-to-face communication” (2 course, IIPSN, direction of training “International Relations”).
3rd place:

Maria Kachamina, essay “The problem of environmental pollution” (2nd year, IEP, field of study “Economics”) and Natalia Virolainen, convincing essay “What did the Battle of Borodino teach us?” ( 1 course, IIPSN, direction of training “History of Russia”).
In the nomination standard essay:

1st place:

Alena Smolyar (2 course, IIPSN, direction of training “International Relations”), essay reason “Main Causes and Roots of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”.
2nd place:

Alina Leboeva (2 course, IIPSN, direction of training “International Relations”), essay “Causes and effects of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”.
The jury separately noted the work of Alexei Antonov, the convincing essay “The Lessons of Borodino Battle.” (1 course, IIPSN, direction of training “History of Russia”) for a deep historical analysis in the content of the essay.

We thank the participants and wish you continued success in improving academic English writing,

– noted the organizers of the competition.