Revolutionary Nano Solution from MAHE Researchers Paves the Way for Water Purification

Manipal: In a groundbreaking achievement, scientists at the Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) have unveiled a game-changing technology that harnesses the power of nanoparticles to cleanse contaminated water, yielding pure, safe drinking water. With a patented method, this innovation has the potential to eliminate pollutants from water sources. The exciting twist lies in its reliance on natural resources, rendering it independent of external energy sources.


Dr. Suresh D. Kulkarni, the lead researcher, underlines the distinct advantage of this approach. “What sets our method apart from existing techniques is its self-sufficiency—our process doesn’t demand external resources. The purification process is seamlessly driven by naturally occurring elements,” he explains. This discovery holds immense promise not only for creating affordable and portable water treatment devices for the next generation but also for revolutionizing water purification on a larger scale. Dr. K. S. Choudhari, a co-inventor, elaborates, “Our breakthrough can be utilized repeatedly, thanks to the magnetic field-driven collection of the purifying agent.”


Given that more than 2.2 billion people worldwide lack access to clean drinking water, Dr. Sajan Daniel George, Head of the Department of Atomic and Molecular Physics, underscores the urgency for scalable solutions that can be economically viable. He stresses the need for innovations that can be readily transformed into commercial products. The researchers are currently on the lookout for industry partners who share their vision of bringing this technology to market. The next phase of their journey involves collaborating with enterprises to facilitate large-scale production. Prof. Narayana Sabhahit, Pro-Vice Chancellor of Technology and Science at MAHE, applauds the initiative, emphasizing the institution’s commitment to impactful research that addresses societal needs.


Notably, the simplicity of the synthesis process and the utilization of natural resources open the possibility of involving local communities in the production and distribution of this nanotechnology-based solution. This development presents an opportunity to empower regions grappling with water pollution by engaging them in the creation and delivery of a sustainable solution.


In a world where access to clean water is a pressing concern, MAHE’s breakthrough offers a ray of hope—a revolutionary leap toward a future where safe drinking water is a reality for all.