Rice University launches multiple certificate programs

Rice University’s Susanne M. Glasscock School of Continuing Studies (GSCS) has opened enrollment for two new professional certificate programs in healthcare management and human resources management to address immediate workforce needs. The programs are being launched in partnership with Emeritus, an online education platform that aims to make world-class professional education accessible and affordable.

“Rice is committed to producing leaders across the spectrum of human endeavor,” said Kristen Schlatre, assistant dean for professional and corporate programs and director of GSCS’s Center for Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership. “The Glasscock School furthers that mission by drawing upon Rice’s expertise to train leaders in areas of need for our Houston community and beyond. These two certificate programs are a direct reflection of that, preparing students to enter and excel in the fields of human resources and healthcare management — two areas where Rice offers world-class education.”

The six-month Healthcare Management Program, led by Edward Kroger, lecturer in healthcare management at Rice’s Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business, provides an immersive curriculum focusing on the practical skills needed to oversee day-to-day organizational needs, manage cross-functional teams and ensure a high standard of quality-driven, values-based care. It aims to equip managers with skills that can meet the world’s current and future health needs.

“The key to delivering excellent healthcare in the next decade is fully analyzing both outcomes and costs for each type of care over longer periods of time,” Kroger said. “This career will be a true calling – focused on saving lives and improving the health of other human beings. As an essential service and one that is growing rapidly, healthcare offers unequaled job security.”

The seven-month Human Resources Management Program offers an application-based curriculum designed around the most relevant HR skills for work today. This program is designed to impart an in-depth understanding of the HR practices needed to navigate today’s top work concerns, including workforce planning, a hybrid work environment, digitalization, automation and artificial intelligence. It was built to address the current demand for HR managers who can implement employee engagement strategies that foster long-term loyalty, productivity and success.

Led by Jeff Freylecturer in management at the Jones School, the new Professional Certificate in Human Resources Management guides learners through a curriculum focused on the core competencies of HR management, including creating a high-performance culture, increasing productivity and morale, building a performance-driven organization and establishing best practices in employee care.

“A common theme of this new normal we inhabit is a growing dehumanization of work. It’s important for HR to focus on initiatives that treat employees like humans and prepare them to do the same with others,” Frey said. “HR leaders who are staying relevant are implementing engagement strategies that win the hearts and minds of their current and future employees. This program will empower participants with new knowledge and skills and inspire them to apply it in practice.”

The Healthcare Management Program includes online video lectures, case studies, a management playbook and a final capstone project requiring participants to develop a quality improvement plan for a healthcare organization. A series of professional development opportunities with an executive coach complements the program work.

The Professional Certificate in Human Resources Management Program will feature real-world case studies, a job-ready portfolio, guest speakers and a final capstone project. Success coaching, career guidance and mentorship opportunities are also offered as part of the program.

“Today’s healthcare organizations face a complex environment, and as history has shown us, it can change in a heartbeat,” said Ranil Hearth, president of healthcare for Emeritus. “That is why we are seeing such an unprecedented increase in the demand for healthcare managers who are capable of balancing day-to-day operations with community needs and organizational goals.

“In addition, our work environment and professional norms continue to rapidly evolve with no signs of stopping, so organizations are putting a renewed focus on their hiring and retention strategies. That’s why human resources management has become one of today’s fastest growing fields,” he added.

Both programs are now open for application for August enrollment. To learn more, visit Professional Certificate in Healthcare Management and Professional Certificate in Human Resources Management pages.