Rice University welcomes new faculty to campus

Just like incoming freshmen are getting to know the campus during O-Week, more than 60 new faculty spent two days in an orientation of their own before starting the fall semester at Rice University. The program was hosted by the Office of Faculty Development.

Reginald DesRoches
President Reginald DesRoches

They were greeted by President Reginald DesRoches, who spoke about the university’s major goals and initiatives and expressed his excitement to work with the new faculty.

“The success of our university is dependent upon many things, but nothing more important than the quality of the faculty and your work,” he said. “Your talent, expertise and leadership are why we are here and why we continue to do great things.”

Provost Amy Dittmar
Provost Amy Dittmar​​​

Rice Provost Amy Dittmar provided an overview of the work her office is performing and also shared her enthusiasm to work with the new Owls.

“We are ecstatic that you are here to be a part of the movement of Rice from a place of excellence to a place of even more excellence,” she said. “You are a huge part of that investment, and so is your education, unique experiences, diversity, curiosity and passions for teaching in your fields and disciplines. That is what makes Rice such an amazing place.”

Day one of orientation continued with presentations from the university’s leadership and key departments to help the participants gain a deeper understanding of Rice’s culture and the collaborative efforts of its many offices.

Day two was facilitated by the Center for Teaching Excellence, and it included sessions to enhance the faculty’s understanding about teaching at Rice and how to support both inclusivity and student success.

New Faculty OrientationNew Faculty Orientation