RWTH: 2022 DAAD Prize Awarded to RWTH Doctoral Candidate Pit Steinbach


RWTH alumnus Pit Steinbach was recently awarded the 2022 DAAD Prize for international students. With this prize, the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) recognizes the outstanding achievements of international students at German universities. Henriette Finsterbusch, Head of the International Office at RWTH, awarded Steinbach the certificate during Welcome Week – an orientation week for international students.

Steinbach was born in Luxembourg and completed both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in chemistry at RWTH, achieving excellent grades each time. During his studies, he was involved in the student council, AStA students’ committee, and various other student committees. He regularly supported German and international students and helped them ease into their new studies. He was also a member of the board of the student association “Projektverein akademischer Kultur an der RWTH Aachen e.V.”, where he organized the “Studifest” and “Augustinerbachfest” events.

Steinbach is still a member of the University, where he has been working on his doctorate in the theoretical physical chemistry of large molecules at the Institute of Physical Chemistry since January 2022.