RWTH As An Employer Offers Excellent Work-Life Balance

For the 16th time, RWTH Aachen University honored managers for their special commitment to balancing family, care and work. Employees were able to nominate their supervisors for the “Famos for Family” award, and a jury selected the winners.

The award went to Professor Sonja Herres-Pawlis from the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Professor Matthias Müller, Director of the IT Center and Chair of Computer Science 12 (High Performance Computing), Professor Anke Naujokat from the Chair of Architectural History, Professor Niklas von der Aßen from the Institute of Thermodynamics and Professor Martin Wiesmann from the Clinic for Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology. The management team of the Institute of Industrial Engineering and Ergonomics with Professors Verena Nitsch and Susanne Mütze-Niewöhner and Professors Martin Frenz and Alexander Mertens was also honored.

The award ceremony was also attended by Equal Opportunities Officer Ulrike Brands-Proharam Gonzalez, Vice Rector Sabine Brück-Dürkop, Ramona Legrand, Head of Childcare at the Family Services Center, and Deputy Chancellor Thomas Trännapp in the SuperC.