RWTH Georesources Scholars Honored with Prestigious Heitfeld Award

The Professor Dr. Karl-Heinrich Heitfeld Foundation annually honors Master’s graduates and doctoral candidates from the Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering at RWTH Aachen University for outstanding achievements. The foundation was established in 1994 by the retired Professor of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology and his wife. Heitfeld was appointed to Aachen University in 1970 and retired in March 1990 after 20 years. During this time, he made a significant contribution to the development of engineering geology in Germany.

The 29th award ceremony took place in Aula 1 and was opened by Rector Ulrich Rüdiger. Professor Peter Kukla, Dean of the Faculty of Georesources and Materials Engineering, then presented the certificates to the graduates. Dr.rer.nat. Cristina Val Peón was honored for her dissertation. Felix Fahrenbach, M.Sc., and Lotta Hanzelmann, M.Sc., received the prize for their Master’s theses.