RWTH Launches New Diversity Strategy


Under the title “University in Transition: Equal Opportunity and Diversity as a Prerequisite for Excellence”, RWTH has developed a diversity strategy that forms the basis for developing the University’s future diversity activities. The strategy was developed under the leadership of the Integration Team – Human Resources, Gender and Diversity Management (IGaD) and with the participation of forumDIVERSITY and other groups at the University.

The objectives of the diversity strategy are the creation of a flexible, inclusive working and study environments and the provision of equal opportunities in research, teaching, and University operations.

RWTH pursues a multidimensional approach that aims to change structures within four spheres of action – Opening Up the University, Driving Cultural Change, Life-Phase-Oriented Human Resources Policy, and “Raising Awareness of Gender and Diversity. For each of the spheres, the status quo is analyzed and the need for action and future activities defined.