RWTH: Lidrotec is convincing

Lidrotec wins the 22nd Rice Business Plan Competition, the worldwide start-up competition.

The founders of this start-up studied or did their doctorate at the RWTH, the Ruhr University Bochum and the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management and founded the company in 2021. The team was supported, among other things, as part of the “Excellence Start-up Center.NRW” initiative at RWTH and the Ruhr University Bochum.

Lidrotec builds laser machines for cutting microchips for the semiconductor industry. Microchips are manufactured on so-called wafers and have to be cut out of them. Through the use of liquids during the cutting process, the wafers are cooled and the ablation products produced at the same time are washed away. The scrap is reduced to almost zero percent.