RWTH : Mirijam Zobel Assumes Role as Chairperson of the Research With Neutrons Committee

Last week, the members of the 12th and the 13th Research with Neutrons Committee (KFN) met at the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble for the process of handing over roles from the outgoing to the incoming committee and election of the new chairperson.

Professor Mirijam Zobel from the Institute of Crystallography at RWTH Aachen University was appointed Chairperson of the Committee. Zobel will carry out her duties and responsibilities together with her deputy, Professor Sabrina Disch from the University of Duisburg-Essen.

The Research with Neutrons Committee represents the interests of neutron users in Germany and serves as a point of contact for any interested party. Topics addressed by the Committee include infrastructure and instrumentation, digital transformation, knowledge transfer, sustainability, international collaboration, and the promotion of early-career researchers.