RWTH: New RWTH podcast on structural change
With the phasing out of coal-fired power generation, the Rhenish mining area is facing a radical change. Structural change is a huge challenge and affects all areas of life. RWTH Aachen has created the transformation platform REVIERa, which brings together research for the future in the Rhenish Revier.
In the podcast “Tell me, RWTH!” scientists talk about the Rhenish mining area and its future. They provide an insight into their research and illuminate the transformation process from different perspectives. In the discussions, they answer questions such as “What makes the region attractive for young companies?”, “What opportunities does structural change offer people?” or “What can RWTH contribute?”.
The first two episodes are now online. Christian Gülpen from the TIME Research Area, an association of economics chairs at RWTH, is an expert in the first episode. He explains what makes the area so attractive for company founders, what challenges need to be mastered and what makes the special spirit of the people in the region so special.
In the second episode, Professor Agnes Förster from the RWTH Chair for Planning Theory and Urban Development gives an insight into the work of the REVIERa core team. She explains why dialogue and knowledge transfer are core tasks of a university and how schoolchildren can be involved in the process.
The podcast is available on the RWTH website and on the usual streaming platforms.