RWTH: RWTH Opens Call for Brigitte Gilles Prize


Every year, the University awards the Brigitte Gilles Prize to honor school projects and RWTH initiatives that promote girls’ interest in science and technology, that make a contribution to the advancement of women or improve the conditions for women in studying, teaching, and research. The prize is named after the first delegate for women at RWTH.

The call is open to members of the University and to schools. In addition, outstanding theses that focus on a topic clearly connected to gender equality can be awarded the prize too. The prize is worth 2,500 euros in each of the first two categories and 500 euros for the final thesis category.

The projects should not be more than two years old and must be related to RWTH. They may be in the development stage, but implementation must be ensured. The prize can be awarded to individuals or groups of individuals.