S Chand Group’s 6th School Press Visit: Inspiring a New Chapter in Education


New Delhi : In a remarkable comeback after the challenges posed by the pandemic, the S Chand Group, a prominent Indian publishing and education services company, successfully conducted its 6th edition of School Press Visits, welcoming students and educators from 28 schools in the National Capital Region (NCR) to its Press Unit. The visit, the first of its kind post-COVID, aimed to provide 1920 students and 150 teachers with an in-depth understanding of the intricate processes involved in bookmaking, fostering a newfound respect for the craft.


The immersive program, consisting of 48 workshops, unfolded at the S Chand Group publishing factory in Sahibabad. It served as an invaluable educational opportunity for students and teachers to comprehend the journey of a book from conceptualization to the final printed form. The visit not only marked a return to normalcy for educational activities but also provided a unique chance for participants to witness and appreciate the meticulous artistry that goes into producing educational materials.


Marketing Head, Ms. Priya Malhotra highlighted the significance of the program, stating, “Our 6th School Press Visit is a testament to resilience and adaptability in the face of adversity. After the disruptions caused by the pandemic, it’s heartening to see students back in action, eager to learn and understand the behind-the-scenes of bookmaking. We believe that by shedding light on these processes, we instil a sense of appreciation and respect for the hard work that goes into creating educational resources.”


This edition of the School Press Visits program not only provided educational enrichment but also symbolized a collective step towards rebuilding a robust and engaging learning environment. The presence of 28 schools, 1920 students, 150 teachers, and the participation of three principals underscored the program’s success in resonating with educational leaders and the broader student community.


As S Chand Group continues to innovate and adapt to the evolving educational landscape, the School Press Visits program remains a cornerstone in fostering a holistic and practical understanding of the world of publishing.